Monday, January 09, 2006

Trigger Happy

I was approved to trigger ovulation Friday night!!! One last shot (for now) sounds great to me! IUI was done Sunday and Monday mornings. Much to my surprise, IUI hurts less than a PAP smear and took less time. I had to lay there for 10 minutes after the package was delivered (reading my latest Star Wars book). Wow! Talk about 'wham bam thank you maam'!!!

Even better news....the doctor is a big Star Wars fan too!!! The Force was definately with us Sunday morning. I could feel it. And bonus brownie points....the doctor did not know about the Easter Eggs on the DVD's, so I told him how to find them.

So now, I start taking (EVIL) Progesterone pills tomorrow, go back Friday to check my blood Progesterone level and for an ovary check, then have a blood pregnancy test on the 23rd. I know I won't be able to stand it that long. I wanna see that BFP home test before the doc tells me! I'll probably take one of the early home tests late next week.

This is definately nearing the peak of the roller coaster ride this cycle!


Linda said...

YAY Terri!!! I'm so excited for you!!!

Elisa said...

Well, good luck, Terri, with the BFP u want!

I think everyone should get what they want once in awhile, right?