Friday, December 29, 2006

UltraMan vs. the kitty

ROFLMTO!!!!!!! I bought the DVD set of Ultraman

Steve and I both LOVED this cheesy Godzilla type TV show when we were little kids. We started to watch it a little last night. Steve was worrying that it would give Stef nightmares so he started calling the monster a big kitty. So then she was worrying about the kitty - where did kitty go? Eventually, Ultraman showed up and started fighting with the "kitty", sort of wrestling style. So Stef says "Oh look. He hugging the kitty!!" I laughed so hard I almost pee'd my pants.

The stock markets are closed Tuesday for President Ford's funeral, so ML is closed too. Yippee!! A 4 day weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Great weekend

Stef just makes it way too hard to be sad. We had a great Christmas weekend, despite having to endure my evil SIL and her 2 passive aggressive brats. My absolute favorite moment was at MIL's on Christmas Eve. Stef had a gift bag to open and took the tissue paper out and gasped "PINK PAPER!!" Then she was dancing around the room with it. ROFLMTO! She thought the paper was the gift and was LOVING it!!

Do we have to hire a realtor to find out how much the deserted island for evil SIL's will cost? AGH! I really really can't stand her. Steve was shocked as we were driving home last night talking about the evening. It's no secret that he can't stand her, but he said "wow! You really don't like her do you? I thought you could get along with anybody" I told him I could be civil with her, but that's about it.

I'll try to get pix uploaded soon.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Oh well

The blood test is negative. I'm not pregnant. There is no way they've made a mistake. My baby boy (yes, we know it was a boy because of the genetic test) just didn't want to stick around this time.

At least we know I still have some good eggs in there. I'm willing to try again, but only if the insurance ends up covering the genetic testing. If they don't, we're finished because we just don't have $5000 to lay down on the table again. I'm pretty sure they will cover it - 90% anyway. But meanwhile I'm hating sitting here waiting for the insurance company to piss. Waiting for them means losing the January cycle and probably the March cycle too. So we're looking at June probably. I'll be going on the Nuvaring as soon as I get AF (probably Monday) so my system stays regulated so we don't have to jump thru that herdle (or is it hurdle?) again.

I'm okay. Disappointed and a little sad, but okay. I might have a meltdown later when I have Steve to hold me thru the sobbing.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Is it Friday yet?

I can hardly wait to hear the results of tomorrow's bloodwork. I might poas tomorrow morning, but it's probably too soon for even a FRED to register.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Somebody must have flunked or totally skipped MIL 101. I had Steve pick up Stef last night. MIL was wondering to him how Stef got her cold. She seems to think it's because Stef wasn't dressed right. It pissed him and I'm freaking furious. Why would you say something like that??? WTF?!?!

Stef caught a cold because she came in contact with a germ that she has no immunity to. I know a family in B'more that has this same cold, and someone in FL too for that matter. I could think of some more if I really thought about it hard. It's GOING AROUND RIGHT NOW!!! Steve thinks she got the cold from when we were at HersheyPark Christmas CandyLane. She was all sweaty from running and bouncing then we put her coat back on her and went straight outside. I agree that could lower her resistance a bit, but she caught a cold because a virus found her for crying out loud!!

Nothing like questioning your son and DIL's parenting abilities to fuel the Christmas cheer!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas status

We went to a local paint your own pottery place Saturday to make a gift for Grandma and Omi. Stef had a great time but was not cooperative at all about the handprint thing this time. She just wanted to paint freestyle. Fine. Have at it. I just wish I hadn't let her get near the black paint. Oh well, they turned out great anyway. We shopped for most of the rest of the family then and planned to finish up Sunday. Ha!

I wanted to get started early but that never happens. I got out the door to drop Stef off with my sister around 11:45. Kmart sucked the life out of me, the Circuit City had a line that went on forever. I only spent about 20 minutes in Barnes & Noble, and had had enough. I headed back to pick up Stef since I told my sister it would only be a few hours. Stef hadn't napped and it was about 4:00. She offered to keep her longer if it would help me, so I tried to nap her, but no luck. She was definately getting buggy tired and was acting out a bit, trying to steal cooling cookies and the like. I was still going to take her with me, but Stef said she wanted to stay with Aunt Lissa. Naturally 5 minutes after I left, she was asking for me.

Next I went to Weis Market to get pet foods for Omi, since she's not able to drive right now (she just had surgery on her hands to release her trigger fingers), then dropped it off to her and took out her trash. Then I went to Giant for our groceries. By this time Steve was finished so he picked up Stef. She fell asleep in the car. So he got to snuggle with her on the couch while she finished her very very late nap while I unloaded the groceries and started making cookies. As I was mixing the first batch, I realized I hadn't bought enough butter. I was too tired to make more than that first batch anyway.

And I still need to find 2 more gifts for Steve plus think of something for Stef's godparents. And I'm still working on Christmas cards. I'll probably be wrapping stuff very late on Christmas Eve. Is it Friday yet?

Friday, December 15, 2006

Linda - your blog won't let me make comments! It makes me sign in, but then says incorrect password and I know it's right (at least I'm pretty sure it's right). I'm already signed in before I try to comment too so I just don't get it.

Fun game

Just in case you need to work out some stress :)

Thursday, December 14, 2006


My ovaries are normal. My uterus is normal. I feel completely and totally normal. But I suppose I wouldn't get any symptoms for a few weeks either way.

I had some weird cramping yesterday that scared me, but the RE said it didn't mean anything - except maybe implantation! Woohoo! I haven't seen any spotting yet. She also recommends that I refrain from picking up anything (including Stef) or carrying anything heavy until at least after the blood test next week. Well, her exact words were "don't do anything you might regret until after the blood test". Nuff said.

Stef has a cold. She's been sleeping poorly (understandably so) which means I end up in her bed for most of the night. Normally, I lay on a little 12x12 pillow and she has her regular bed pillow. Well, last night, she insisted on sharing the 12x12 with me. So here's miss snotty face in my face, playing with her hair so that it tickles my face, with her little arm wrapped so sweetly around me or on my face or holding a chunk of my hair - all so she will know if I try to get up and go back to my own bed. It was a looooonnnggg night last night. I think she's over the hump of the cold and seems to be getting better now. But she's still all about Mommy. Daddy isn't even allowed to kiss her right now. She was telling MIL around 11:30 that she's ready to go home now with Mommy. She doesn't usually start that until around 4. I love it, but it's very tiring too.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

picture of the embryo

This is my little 8 cell blob - before they transferred back to me.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Isn't it cute??

Monday, December 11, 2006

superquick update

We got ONE good oocyte!!!!!!!!!!!!! The transfer will be today around 12:30! Then it's 24 hrs of bedrest and the dreaded 2 week wait.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Wednesday update

Well, Meredith, I'll see what I can about the every day thing, but here's a start. Last night I was supposed to take my HcG injection at EXACTLY 7:30pm. Well it ended up more like 7:45 and I confessed that to the RE's office this morning. She said that if it's a problem, Michelle will call me. Now I'm jump with fright everytime my boob vibrates. So far, no call from Michelle. It was only 15 minutes late, mostly because Stef was STILL asleep at my mom's at 7:15 last night. That was a marathon 4 hr nap!!! She must be growing again or something.

The next step then was to take a HPT this morning with FMU. It was supposed to be positive due to the HcG shot from last night. It was BFP, but that is just plain MEAN to make me do that!!!! I took my doxycycline this morning and one more tonight. Then no food or water after 11pm tonight. We need to show up at 7am tomorrow morning to get the show on the road. I'll give another update tomorrow if I'm up to it. The whole needle in my ovaries thing scares me a little, but I'll do whatever it takes.

Stef update....Ang will recognize where this one comes from (probably). MIL called this morning and said Stef is running around chasing Daisy (the boxer) saying "I gonna kick you butt" I'm totally mortified. MIL said "I thought it sounded like something you would say". Sure enough, I've told Presh for years that I'd kick her black furry butt, usually for having her face on the table looking for food or for having something forbidden in her mouth. I should have known to filter that phrase out of my vocabulary. Son of a Hutt! LMTO.

Weird full moon thing from yesterday....a client came to the window with a deposit. He's been a "difficult client" in the past, but not so bad lately. We had a few run-in's because he didn't like our no-cash policy or our no-3rd-party-checks policy. So he actually had the audacity to say to me yesterday "You know, dear, I have to hand it to you. When I first started coming in here, you had a horrible personality, but now you've totally turned that around" WTF is somebody supposed to say to that??? Thanks??? I just blurted out "Well, I think we just had some misunderstandings on the policies back then" What a complete and total Neimoidian thing to say!!!!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Goodbye Doofus

My mom's 17 or 18 yr old kitty named Doofus crossed over today. She was never very friendly and always sort of on the wild side, but Omi loved her (more than she deserved sometimes) and cared for her til her last breath. Stef just thinks Kitty Doofus is sleeping. Omi will bury her in the yard once Stef leaves for the day.

Eggs eggs eggs

My retrieval will be Thursday morning. I'll be on bedrest Thursday and Friday. They will do the genetic testing over the weekend. Monday morning will be the transfer if we get any genetically normal oocytes. I think I'll need Monday off work either way (for bedrest or for crying and mourning), and I'll be off Tuesday if we have a successful transfer for more bedrest. Please send me all your good egg prayers!!

The (Christmas) Holiday Party was really nice. The food was DELISH!!! They had roast beef and roast turkey breast (or pork? I didn't eat it so I'm not sure). There was a pasta station where I spent most of the evening HAHA. I had tortellini and chicken in a yummy garlic sauce. There was also a nice salad station. I always enjoy a nice plate of weeds. The tree was HUGE and decorated exquisitely, even after the DJ blew the circuit breaker. I wore my burgandy velvet dress that Steve bought me back in 97. The tag said size 12 and I nearly panicked since I was just pulling it out of the closet 2 hrs before we had to leave for the party. TG velvet is VERY forgiving. One of my coworkers even said I looked stunning. Steve and I danced to one slow song. Gee, it'd been quite a while since we last danced. My broker was, shall we say, very 'happy' (it was an open bar) and she kept trying to get me to go dance with her and 3 or 4 of the other girls from the office. I couldn't bring myself to do it. I guess I just wasn't drunk enough. Ya know, it's been almost 10 years since I drank any alcohol....since I started doing Richard Simmons. It's just not worth the calories to me most of the time. This time, it was because I'm busy growing eggs and didn't want to risk screwing that up for anything.

Monday, December 04, 2006

It's just around the corner

I have 4 mature follicles and 2 immature ones. Everything depends partly on my bloodwork, but the u/s tech is guessing Thursday for my egg retrieval. I'm still waiting for the official phone call and will update when I hear.

We went to the ML Holiday party Saturday night. It was fun! We each got a huge Hershey Kiss (about 1/4 lb I think) to take home as a party favor. Stef saw them in the morning and said "Mmmmm. Chocolate! I want chocolate please!" I told her we had to eat breakfast before we could eat chocolate, so she spies the 2nd big Kiss and asked "Well, how 'bout that one?" LMTO! The answer is still the same, sweet child of mine!!!