Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas status

We went to a local paint your own pottery place Saturday to make a gift for Grandma and Omi. Stef had a great time but was not cooperative at all about the handprint thing this time. She just wanted to paint freestyle. Fine. Have at it. I just wish I hadn't let her get near the black paint. Oh well, they turned out great anyway. We shopped for most of the rest of the family then and planned to finish up Sunday. Ha!

I wanted to get started early but that never happens. I got out the door to drop Stef off with my sister around 11:45. Kmart sucked the life out of me, the Circuit City had a line that went on forever. I only spent about 20 minutes in Barnes & Noble, and had had enough. I headed back to pick up Stef since I told my sister it would only be a few hours. Stef hadn't napped and it was about 4:00. She offered to keep her longer if it would help me, so I tried to nap her, but no luck. She was definately getting buggy tired and was acting out a bit, trying to steal cooling cookies and the like. I was still going to take her with me, but Stef said she wanted to stay with Aunt Lissa. Naturally 5 minutes after I left, she was asking for me.

Next I went to Weis Market to get pet foods for Omi, since she's not able to drive right now (she just had surgery on her hands to release her trigger fingers), then dropped it off to her and took out her trash. Then I went to Giant for our groceries. By this time Steve was finished so he picked up Stef. She fell asleep in the car. So he got to snuggle with her on the couch while she finished her very very late nap while I unloaded the groceries and started making cookies. As I was mixing the first batch, I realized I hadn't bought enough butter. I was too tired to make more than that first batch anyway.

And I still need to find 2 more gifts for Steve plus think of something for Stef's godparents. And I'm still working on Christmas cards. I'll probably be wrapping stuff very late on Christmas Eve. Is it Friday yet?

1 comment:

Susan said...

oi vey !

I'm wrapping this Friday, and finishing up the buying also. I'm off Thurs and Friday woo hooooooooooooooooo !