Friday, March 17, 2006

Finally Friday

The home pregancy test was a big fat glaringly white negative today. But I have to remind myself that I'm only 11 days past ovulation, which is still way early. I will keep testing over the weekend, mostly so Steve will be there to share the positive if we get one. And if I keep getting negatives, it helps prepare me for a possible negative blood test Monday.

I actually dreamed last night that I got a positive home test. Wishful thinking or a good sign? We shall see.

I'm just about convinced that Stefanie was my last good egg and egg donation is the way God wants us to go. I keep hearing about it now lately, and never really heard about it before. Let's cross that bridge if need be.


M said...

Got my fingers crossed Terri!!!!!!!

Elisa said...

Thinking of you, Terri!