Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Things I like about me

I don't know if you meant me Elisa, but it's a good blog topic:

-I like my hair. It's full bodied and wavy and a nice color.

-I love my eyes. They're even greener than my mom's eyes.

-I like my sense of humor, even if it's a litte off kilter sometimes.

-I like my commitment factor. When I commit to something or someone, I do so wholeheartedly, even to my own detriment sometimes.

-I like my cute little button-ish nose and am glad Stef inherited it from me.

1 comment:

Elisa said...

Nope, not necessarily you, Terri! But i enjoyed reading your list. I'm glad to hear you like things about yourself. You're a good person!