Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Final answer

My supervisor was here in the office yesterday (all day long!) He double checked with our official time-off keeper and I do indeed have 4 sick occurances this year. There was a day in July that I didn't write down and she'd completed out my timesheet before I could update it. So, what it boils down to is that it would normally be considered sick time for IVF week. But since I have 4 occurences already, that would be a bad mark on my record to take any more sick time. We also reviewed how much time off I have left and I was surprised to learn that I actually have 5 days, not 3. Apparently I can't multiply 5 x 3 = 15, not 14! So there's a vacation day I wasn't counting. Plus we get a floating holiday this year that I totally forgot about. It's because New Year's Day was on a Sunday and the market was open on the Monday.

Anyway, 5 days left will cover me no problem. In any case, if I need it, the RE will sign me out for the whole 5 days as medical leave (like short term disability) then it won't count as an occurence and it won't suck up my 5 days off either! Is that being greedy to want the medical leave?

Stef news - her snotty nose has now morphed into a snotty nose and barky cough. Jeni's kids just got over a barky cough. Great! She passed it to us over the phone! LOL. I guess I will call the pedi to see if there's anything else I should be doing.

I have to smile everytime I look at my hands today. They are covered with Halloween stickers (THANK YOU AUNT ANGELA!!) that Stef insisted were for Mommy. She's so sweet. I miss her so much.


Susan said...

NO its not greedy at all, good investating and good luckkkkkkkkk !

Angela said...

Where did she get those stickers???

Koren said...

Hope Stef feels better soon. Ian had the nasty cough thing too.