Monday, October 09, 2006

SHG = Sono Hysterogram with Green gloves

Dr F is SO freaking funny. He told a visiting doctor (from a foreign country) that the G in SHG stands for Green gloves. She wanted to know where she can find green gloves once she leaves his clinic. LMAO. Anyway, my SHG was normal. They were mostly looking for polyps or fibroids that would interfere with embrionic attachment.

I feel a bit better about facing the Trial Transfer on Wed. I talked to the u/s tech (Lisa) and she said I should do a test today or tomorrow - drinking 48 oz of fluid and then holding it for 45 minutes. If it's unbearable, she suggested just drinking less. Worse case scenario, my bladder won't be full and they'll have to wait for me to fill it. I doubt THAT will be a problem. It feels like it's full ALL the time! LOL.


Angela said...

Good luck on the bladder filling. I always drink less then what they say, for me 20 oz 30 mins before was always enough.

Krista said...

Good luck!!!! I hate that bladder filling!