Monday, February 05, 2007

I'm still here

And I have a really funny Stef story...

Sunday morning around 8:45 (thank you very much for the extra sleep in, Stef) our little sweetypie came over and said good morning. When she realized daddy was in bed too she went to his side of the bed and kept telling him to get up, it's a sun day (I think she meant sunny day), time to get up, c'mon daddy. She even handed his robe to him. He was talking to her but he was still really tired and not getting up. She must have realized he was a tough cookie to crack so she said "okay daddy, you sleep" and went downstairs. She came right back up and started singing to him "go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep daddy" like a lullaby, followed directly by a blast from her toy trumpet! LMTO! If only I'd had the camcorder handy, we could have sent that in for the $10,000 on AFV. What a character!!


Krista said...

OMG Terri! That is just too funny!

Angela said...

Thanks for the laugh I really needed that.

Susan said...

Funny, I can picture it even, she's halarious :)