Thursday, March 15, 2007

I'm surrounded

by freakin IDIOTS! I'm having a frustrating day, which has sort of carried over from yesterday a bit.

Anyway, my boss has been putting off turning over the ordering of supplies duty for some unknown reason. I asked him about it today, and he said "you can make that change whenever you want to" WTF?

My office manager made an appointment for a client that needs the cashier for Thursday @ 4:30. HELLO! I only work until 4:30! And I cannot stay over tonight because Preshy's vet appt is tonight. So I asked if he could change the appt to just a little earlier - 15 or 20 minutes maybe. He comes back to me after talking to the client and says "I got it changed to Friday @ 4:30. I guess I should've checked with you first to make sure that's okay, huh" NICE!

The phone guy was going to come to our house today to check on a bad static in the downstairs phonejack between 2:45 and 4:45. I asked MIL yesterday if she could come up and let them in. She said Sure NP. I asked if she still has a key to the house. "YES." I asked again this morning is she sure she has a key. "YES! I'll show you if you want." "No, I believe you and I've got to run" I just got a phone call that she's at the house and this key doesn't work. She's already climbed the fence and looked for the hide-a-key, but I told her yesterday that it's not there right now. Steve must have locked himself out and used that key then left it inside (where it does a world of good!) So, MIL wants to know if maybe it's the key to the back door. "NO, the same key works all the way around the house" "Well this won't fit in the hole and the guy is waiting" "Well, I'll just have to reschedule then" Whatever, it's rescheduled for Saturday morning now.

I had called about a month ago at work to get a phone jack moved from the supply room to the cage for the postage machine. They finally came today and tell me "well that's an analog jack. IBM doesn't work on those. You'll have to call your help desk" EXCUSE ME! That's who I called and they sent YOU! Simple solution, which I wanted to do in the first freaking place - get a longer phone cord that reaches from the postage machine over to the wall and let it share the phone jack with the fax machine. The postage machine only ever needs to connect when it has to refill with postage money - like once every 2 months. WHY DON'T THEY LISTEN TO ME????

One of the brokers' intercom was apparently on auto answer. We don't know how it got that way, but she didn't want it that way since the phone automatically answered every single time somebody intercommed her, whether she wanted to talk to them or not. The dumbass (no)help-desk person I got to handle this took 30 minutes to understand wtf was going on.

"Well, that's the way a phone works. If somebody calls the broker, she can then talk to that person"

Well no shit sherlock. "Usually a person has the choice of whether they want to answer the phone though"

"Well, sure. Isn't she choosing to talk?"

"Umm, no. It's like the phone is haunted. It just answers all by itself - even in nobody is in the room"

"Well who is calling her when this happens?"

"It happens no matter who intercoms her"

"But what is this person's last name?"

What does it matter??? I could probably say George Lucas at this point and you still won't get it! "I don't know. Let's pick Smith."

"Can you hold please?"

***long time on hold***

"Let me understand what you're saying here. When Smith intercoms her, the phone rings once, then she can talk"

"Yes, but she doesn't push any buttons and Smith is already there, on speaker, whether she wanted to talk to Smith or not"

"But that's the way the phone works"

etc etc etc around and around and around

Finally I just wanted to slit my wrists and I heard the lightbulb come on. "OH! It sounds like she has it on auto answer"

"Umm, okay. How did that happen? Thru her personal website?"

"No, she would have had to call in to have that turned on"

"I'm sure she didn't. Ok, now how do we turn it off?"

"Just call in and ask for it to be turned off"

"Pleae can we have it turned off?"

"So you want the auto answer feature turned off on extension 5675?"

"Yes please"

"Can I help you with anything else today?"

give me rusty razor! "No, that about covers it!"



Angela said...

Take a deep breath, then smack the next person to annoy you.

Krista said...

I hope today is a better day!!! At the very least it is FRIDAY! WHOOO HOO!!!

Susan said...

Ha !