Monday, June 18, 2007

Totally weird Saturday

Saturday was just a weird stressful day. It started with Ellie having a really really rough night again. Then Stef woke up at 7:30am when I was hoping for at least 8 or 8:30. Well, as long as I'm up, we may as well go to the cool sounding yardsales Omi found in the paper.

When we picked her up, we went around the block like usual, to get back to the main road. Some crazy Mustang came screaming up the street, turned onto the street where I was waiting at the stop sign, and very nearly side swiped my car! My mom let loose with a few choice phrases, for which I scolded her and better NOT hear coming out of Stef's mouth.

Next, Stef decides to dart out of the driveway of the last sale we were at, right into the road. TG, no cars were coming, but we had the big "don't you EVER do that again" talk again.

After yardsaling was over, we went home and ate lunch (Stef was hungry and I was shaking). Now, all during this time, Steve had been at Kellogg's to get fitted for a new uniform company. What I didn't know is that he went to the mall after the fitting and hadn't eaten. He was just coming home when I was leaving to take Omi home. When I told him that we'd already eaten, he got sort of pissy with me. I said "I didn't know when you'd be home and I was shaking! Go make yourself something! There are leftovers in there." I know he got very little sleep too, but come on! I got up at LEAST an hour before he did. Grumpy grumpy grump. That's really pretty unusual for Steve.

I dropped Omi off with no further incident. We all piled on the couch for some quiet time and got a little rest. All the tension seemed to be gone now. So we decided it was time to go get the groceries. It was incident free until I got Stef out of the TreeHouse play area. Steve had gone to get the car and load the groceries up. Stef came out the treehouse door and promptly slipped away from me in a big crowd. I could still see her but couldn't get thru to grab her hand. Next thing I know, she's looking at me with that twinkle in her eye and that devilish grin on her face. I yelled "Don't you dare!" and then she darted...into the busy parking lot...the same freaking parking lot where she darted last time and I tore my calf muscle chasing her down. I didn't tear anything this time and caught her really quickly. I reached out and grabbed the top of her head, effectively tackling her. She skinned her leg and started bawling. So I scooped her up and had the talk again. OI! It's a good thing she's so cute!

Then twice, in quick succession, we were almost in 2 separate car accidents on the way home! I just wanted to crawl into bed and not leave the house again!

The other weird thing was that the little girl who was in TreeHouse with Stef asked if I was her mommy. I said yes and then she wanted to know where Stef's little brother was. **cue Twilight Zone music**


Linda said...

Glad you made it through your weekend safe.


Angela said...

Yet another sign :)

Susan said...

Oh yes, they feel they don't need to hold onto anymore hands, they are BIG GIRLS NOW ! Oi vey indeed !