Sunday, July 29, 2007


The only new news I have on Teresa is that she's still hanging in there. Her doctor said he's never had a patient survive this operation. They brought her out of the coma. Steven and his girlfriend Leslie were in visiting her, then left so Cindy could go in (only 2 at a time allowed). T told Cindy that there was a doctor and nurse in moments ago that looked just like Steven and Leslie. ROFLMTO! Classic Teresa. Oh, and Wendy said she has Beurgers Disease (or syndrome or whatever) and hadn't found out much online about it yet. I'll look for it tomorrow.

I'm still hacking up a lung. It's only getting worse. I had to promise my mom that I'd go to the doctor tomorrow if it's not better. I just started taking Robitussin dexamethoraphan pills tonight. I don't notice it giving my cough much supression yet. It's ironic. I returned an unopened bottle of those pills after Ellie passed. Those were for preventing the ramp up of her pain.

I have some video clips of Sarah (my neice) singing with Freznel Lenz last night. I will try to post them and a slideshow a bit later but it's thundering right now, so....toodles!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Hope you start feeling better soon hugs :)